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Founder & Director of SAT CHIT ANANDA / IZEN | Sound Meditation Specialist

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"Space-Time and classical physics are the limitations of human and the universe, but human beings can get beyond it by spirit, or only by spirit. Art is the expression of spirit in different forms of reality. As long as there’s spirit in an art work, there’ll be resonance and inspiration in life."



—— Paul Yip 葉破 (PYSCA)

Paul Yip 葉破 (PYSCA)

葉破 (PYSCA) 擁有豐富表演藝術/劇場/舞蹈/電影/錄像等聲音設計及配樂經驗,致力追求聲音美學極致之道,於世界各國藝術節/音樂節/舞蹈節演出及藝術駐留,探研不同藝術形式,特別是沉浸感新媒體、聲頻共振及古代文化智慧的融合。

Paul Yip is a well-established professional in the sound therapy industry. His wide musical experience spans accompaniment for performance art shows, theatre, dance, as well as soundtrack scoring for films and videos. In his pursuit for perfection in sound aesthetics, Paul also holds residency and regularly performs under his artistic pseudonym PYSCA at arts, music and dance festivals around the world to showcase the diverse elements of his musical branches, which often incorporates immersive new media, studies in acoustic resonance and teachings of ancient esotericism.


葉氏曾於日本熊野古道跟隨音靈奈良裕之大師修行後踏上聲頻療癒之道,並於印度瑜珈聖地 Rishikesh 跟隨各大師研習後獲取聲音治癒訓練、聲音瑜珈導師及頌缽療癒證書,其後到倫敦參與銅鑼大師 Don Conreaux 舉辦的健力士世界紀錄銅鑼演奏。

Paul embarked on the path of sound healing after  studying under Japanese master Nara Yuji at Kumano Kodo. He furthered his sound healing training, and gained Nada yoga instructor and singing bowl healing certificates under the guidance of various gurus in Rishikesh, India - a hotbed commonly known as the yoga capital of the world. Paul was a participant at the Guinness World Record Gong performance in London, which was organized by renowned Grand Gongmaster Don Conreaux.


2019年葉氏創立「圓道流 SAT CHIT ANANDA」音療系統流派,獲邀至世界各地藝術節演出,並於世界各地帶領工作坊及個案療癒。葉氏亦為「易辰 IZEN」多媒體藝術團隊擔任音樂及藝術總監,協作新媒體劇場演出及展覽計劃。


Paul founded his own sound therapy school, Sat Chit Ananda, in 2019, and has been invited to perform at various art festivals, workshops and therapy sessions around the world. He is also the Music and Art Director of IZEN, a multimedia art group  involved with theater performance and exhibition planning.




道流  創辦人及總監 | 靜觀音療師

Founder & Director of Sat Chit Ananda | Nada Yoga Sound Therapist


「圓道流 SAT CHIT ANANDA」由葉破於2019年創立,是一套透過聲音達到「安心、靜心、定念」的音療系統流派。


Paul Yip founded his sound therapy school of theory Sat Chit Ananda in 2019. With Nada (emptiness) at its core, Sat Chit Ananda leads its practitioner to achieve peace of mind through sound therapy.


The sound therapy of Sat Chit Ananda may utilize a variety of traditional instruments ( Therapeutic grade Himalayan Bowls / Japanese Ancient Qing Temple Bowls / German "8 Corners of Heaven" gong / Double-sided Tongue Drum  / Indian Shruti Box / Overtone singing / Ocean Drum / Shamanic Drum / Tuning Forks / Chimes & Tingsha) combined with contemporary new media and ambient electronic music to achieve a meditative state of Nada transcending binary opposition.



The frequency of vibration is a presentation of energy flow. Sat Chit Ananda’s use of various sound tools together with other artistic partners to explore new possibilities in producing sound combinations can achieve a different healing effect. ​




​Sat Chit Ananda has successfully held workshops and therapy sessions across the world. Its sound therapy sessions have positively treated cases of insomnia, depression, cancer, pain and other ailments. Paul’s vast experience in aiding others to achieve Nada has been recognized by his many clients, including the former CEO of Sotheby's Australia, Tsz Shan Monastery, international art festivals, contemporary art museums, fashion brands, hotels, doctors, film directors, dancers, yoga teachers, and entrepreneurs.





易辰  創辦人及總監 | 跨媒體藝術家 | DJ​ | 聲音設計師​ | 音樂顧問

Founder & Director of  IZEN Director | Multi-media Artist | DJ | Sound Designer | Music Consultant



Paul Yip has years of musical experience spanning accompaniment for performance art shows, theatre, dance troupes, soundtrack scoring for films and videos, as well as music consulting work. With a cinematic sound, combined with spiritual music, simple piano, abstract electronics, and an air of illusory, Paul has collaborated with countless musicians, artists, and dancers at various festivals around the world.


Paul is also an active participant and music consultant of various sound projects, including music production, soundtracking for videos, sound installations, sound design for live theater and dance shows, art and music festival curation, leading workshops, and music consultancy services for consumer brands, fashion shows, restaurants and hotels.




Paul is a co-founder and the Music and Art Director of IZEN, a multimedia art group  involved with theater performance and exhibition planning.




NADA YOGA TTC certified sound yoga instructor 

印度 NADA YOGA TTC 聲音瑜珈導師證書 ​

Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy Course Certificate 


International Audio Therapist Qualification



2023   - MOCA銀川當代美術館 宋陳×葉破:黃河泥行為藝術 - MEMES & FRIENDS PRESENTS: 圓道流【聲之通道】 原音x電子 雙重聲頻之旅 - PROJECT MOOON PRESENTS "Destruggle" Sound Meditation @Fringe Club - PROJECT MOOON PRESENTS: 圓道流【聲之通道】 原音x電子 雙重聲頻之旅 - 圓道流靜觀藝術系列@藝穗會 - 太一音療樂器體驗工作坊 - 茶聲療享 茶修x音療靜觀工作坊 2022  - MEMES & FRIENDS PRESENTS: 圓道流【本質之音】靜觀聲頻浴 - PROJECT MOOON PRESENTS: 圓道流【聲之通道】 原音x電子 雙重聲頻之旅 2021 - 配樂、現場演出及音樂總監:北歐劇場導演Jon Skulberg與編舞家Wayson Poon合作的舞蹈劇場《Moving A Memory》作品於丹麥哥本哈根 Passage Festival及香港新視野藝術節公演 - 作曲及音樂總監:香港舞蹈團著名編舞家楊雲濤主編舞蹈劇場《山水》  - 音響設計:編舞家古佳妮及十口無團作品《遷徙》 - RTHK香港電台電視節目《香港故事-忘憂日常:純粹。聲音。靜。》專題拍攝嘉賓 - K11 Wellness 聲頻治療工作坊導師 - ARCH 身心療癒節之工作坊導師 - 無極樂團《一任逍遙》音樂會演奏家 2020 - 聲音設計、作曲及音樂總監:香港城市當代舞蹈團著名編舞家邢亮及著名設計總監又一山人主編舞蹈劇場《圓》 - 為Sustainable Art Festival 駐留藝術家創作錄像裝置《凝Gazing》  - 演出藝術家:越過界@國際跨媒體藝術節 - K11 Wellness 聲頻治療工作坊導師  - 聲音設計、作曲及音樂總監:香港舞蹈團楊雲濤主編舞蹈劇場《凝》 - 策劃多媒體展演項目《音域沐浴Sound Bath-療癒身心的聲境之旅》香港藝術節@大館 2019 - 多媒體舞蹈劇場IZEN《游境倘佯》獲邀於深圳鳳凰花藝術節公演 - 與深圳33空間合作策劃《漸浸Audio-Visual Party》沈浸感電音派對 - 於香港、深圳、廣州、上海、杭州帶領聲音治療工作坊  - 作曲配樂及現場音樂演出:香港演藝學院35週年著名編舞家邢亮主編舞蹈劇場《扇夢》 - 葉破策劃,與沈丕基古琴老師合作的多媒體舞蹈劇場《山居吟》獲邀為香港國際編舞節之演出項目 - 工作坊音樂導師:著名舞蹈家古名伸之 - 配樂:舞蹈家肖智仁作品《Some Humans》及《Human》 - 作曲配樂:香港藝術節編舞家VictorFung主編舞蹈劇場《在不明確的世界中尋找意義》 - 韓國釜山Eco Art 環境藝術節 - 與奧地利新媒體藝術家Conney Zenk於廈門鼓浪嶼作駐留藝術家及合作演出  - 深圳高北十六蟲洞市集互動媒體裝置及演講嘉賓 - 上海同濟大學朱哲琴聲音實驗室駐留藝術家及演講嘉賓 - 策劃靈音舞動劇場《Quantimension|量維糾纏》於上海境空演出 - 作曲及現場演出:上海國際藝術節委約新媒體劇《分身。源啟》 - 深圳TEDx年度大會演出嘉賓及聲頻治療工作坊導師 - 宣傳片製作配樂:陳木勝導演甄子丹謝霆鋒主演電影《怒火》 - 創立《圓道流 SAT CHIT ANANDA》音療系統流派。 2018 - 多媒體舞蹈劇場 IZEN《Dance of Infinity》於深圳前海《壹會》演出 - 與深圳33空間合作策劃跨媒體實驗劇場《山居吟》 《漁樵問答》、 《太多》及《石秀探莊》的演出,開拓傳統文化與新媒體的融創聯乘。  - 於上海余德耀美術館與舞蹈家們合作演出。 - 深圳Fringe藝穗節、南寧舞蹈節、常德繽紛舞蹈節及烏鎮戲劇節演出 - 作曲配樂:編舞家肖智仁舞蹈劇場《紙偶》 - 聲音設計及作曲配樂:編舞家Wayson Poon舞蹈劇場《Untitle III》 - 聲音設計及作曲配樂:MW舞團舞蹈劇場《皮紋》 - 現場演出及聲頻療癒工作坊導師:葡萄牙Boom Festival及匈牙利Samsara Festival - 倫敦 Olympia 參與銅鑼大師 Don Conreaux 舉行的健力士世界紀錄銅鑼演奏 - 於香港、深圳、上海、印度、葡萄牙、匈牙利帶領聲音治療工作坊 - 獲邀於香港 i-dance即興舞蹈節演出,曾合作舞蹈家包括Katie Duck, Kirstie Simson, 藤條蟲丸, Motimaru, 小珂與子涵。 2017 - 全方位藝術協作計劃IZEN 「Project. OA-Orbital Aritual」於挪威、香港、深圳及柏林進行巡迴活動,獲邀參與Bergen PGN北歐藝術節,內容包括藝術家對話、策展人分享講座、工作坊、展覽及多媒體舞蹈劇場演出。  - 與舞蹈家 Mayson Tong 於匈牙利《Body Radical》表演藝術節演出。  - 為MW舞團舞蹈劇場《Mapping》作聲音設計及作曲配樂。  - 聲音設計及作曲配樂:編舞家Wayson Poon舞蹈劇場《Intersection》 - 於香港、深圳、挪威、柏林帶領聲音治療工作坊 - Y-Space舞蹈團於上海當代藝術博物館PSA與舞蹈家們合作演出 2016 - 多媒體舞蹈劇場IZEN「Between|悟行之間」獲邀參與韓國釜山 BIDAM 舞蹈節 - 於冰島收集各種水與冰川的聲音及錄製鋼琴演奏 - 駐留藝術家並於濟州藝術節演出:釜山 SHIN 舞蹈團  - 作曲及現場演出 :韓國 SEOP舞蹈團 - 與舞蹈家 Mayson Tong 於泰國 Low Fat 藝術節演出 - 與舞蹈家 Mayson Tong 於日本橫濱 TPAM 表演藝術節演出 - 作品作曲配樂 :為演藝學院當代舞教授 John Utans 主編香港芭蕾舞蹈團 - 主題曲及四篇章曲:情感自療作家素黑《踏踏實實愛自己》




| Music | Arts | Design |


〰️the flowing frequency〰️

作團隊 PROJECT MOOON 於2015年成立,致力於商業項目中連結新一代本地藝術家、音樂家、療癒師、設計師、插畫師、攝影師、舞蹈家等創作人。並定期舉辦藝術活動、體驗工作坊、音樂會及表演。

Founded in 2015, Hong Kong-based creative art group PROJECT MOOON is committed to connecting a new generation of local artists, musicians, healers, designers, illustrators, photographers, dancers and other creators of different media in commercial projects. Scheduled events and classes open to the general public includes mindful art projects, experiential workshops, concerts and performances.

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